Muto Francesco


Cognome Nome

Muto Francesco









Breve presentazione personale

I’ve always been keen on interaction between art, fashion and architecture, sure that the grace of the natural and geometrical forms balance the man with the daily spaces through the constant innate and subconscoius research of beauty into naturalness.

In 2008 I graduated in architecture with a first class honour degree at the “Università degli Studi di Parma”. After the Architect qualification exam and a brief partnership with “ARRC associati di Gonzaga” with whom I worked for the refurbishment project of the “Macello Comunale” of Gonzaga.
From 2009 to 2011 I have had a real important experience both personal and professional at the “1+1=1 Claudio Silvestrin Giuliana Salmaso architects and planners” of Milan; I’ve cooperated to projects of interior design and visual as junior assisant like Awakening Exhbition, Blè Food Hall, Ulaabatar Redevolpment and laRinascente Florence and Rome.
In 2012 I took part in a contest “Compact Kitchen Station” with the project Isolachenonc’è selected by Scic Cucine Italia e Gargedesign for the finale.
In 2013 I took part in a contest “Glass House Collection ’13” with the project Lastre Table selected by Vetrerie Dal Pian s.n.c. e Desall for the finale during “Fuori Salone” at Superstudio in Milano.

Actually, I’m a freelance Architect and I participe in national and international design contests.



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